Consumers are angry! Should Brands Communicate?
Posted on November 25th, 2022 Tags :
We all have faced many issues over the past 3 to 4 months. The days passed have been a roller-coaster ride, but sadly the experience has been adding worry than amusement to life. The problems one has to face have gradually escalated over a short period of time and by now many inconveniences we face on a daily basis have become the new normal. All of this has led many to be frustrated and angry.
Thus, people voice their opinion much more than before. At a juncture like this, what do brands do? Do they continue to communicate? Yes, ‘right communication’ is crucial at a time like this.
A brand manager will have to look into all aspects and every possible reaction to any communication piece or campaign. In fact, there were criticisms even when a hotel promoted free accommodation/facilities for students studying for A/L examination. The current crisis we are facing seems different from all the other issues we have faced in the past, including the world financial crisis during 2007 – 2008.
Yet, it is still important for brands to do the following at a minimum;
1. Maintaining corporate image/reputation
2. Promotion of new or modified products
3. Maintaining public relations
4. Training and motivating employees The above actions will give confidence to your consumers that you are still around and strong.
It will also help your brand to avoid any possible reputation damage, including damage via false news that creates perceptions in the absence of brand communications. And last but not least, it will help your brand to emerge victorious when the market conditions normalize or find their new normal. P.S. Expect further explanation on the above 4 areas in articles to follow.